Lee Child – Echo Burning

Echo Burning is the 5th installment of the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child.

The publication date of this novel was June 25, 2001.

Echo Burning Book Description

Reacher is hitching through the heat of West Texas and getting desperate for a ride. The last thing he’s worried about is exactly who picks him up.

She’s called Carmen. She’s a good-looking young woman, she has a beautiful little girl . . . and she has married into the wrong family.

They’re called the Greers.

They’re a bitter and miserly clan, and they’ve made her life a living hell. Worse, her monster of a husband is soon due out of prison. So she needs protection, and she needs it now.

Lawyers can’t help. Cops can’t be trusted. So Reacher goes home with her to the lonely ranch where nothing is as it seems and where evil swirls around them like dust in a storm.

Within days, Carmen’s husband is dead – and simmering secrets send Echo, Texas, up in flames.

Lee Child Echo Burning

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